Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sejny 2012/2013

Zimą jesteśmy w Sejnach. Wystawa otwarta przed Bożym Narodzeniem będzie niczym zima trwać aż do lutego 2013.
Zapraszamy serdecznie bo miejsce piękne - może na ferie?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stand By in Żywiec and.... Japan!

Newsweek Japan presents Stand By!
Today, Novemver 15th we open an exhibition in Żywiec (Poland) as a part of Belarussian Encounters festival. If you happen to be at 12 in City Museum, don't miss the opening! Read more here.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Krynki: Villa Socrates

Another chapter of our Belrussian journey has just begun!
We are happy to introduce a new curator Anna Shpakova, a new place Krynki near Białystok (PL) and new idea of big photos covering walls of Villa Socrates.
Why don't you come and see the book, the photos and multimedia this Saturday (September 1st) in Krynki (Villa Socrates) at 6pm.
We will be a part of Trialog, a meeting of people interested in Belarus.
You can read more here.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The end or the beginning

Stand By from SPUTNIK PHOTOS on Vimeo.

After more than two years we finish the project. But not to leave you emptyhanded we share our multimedia with you to watch and comment. The latest news are also good - we will present photos as an exhibition. So see you in Autumn. Live.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Review on the book "Stand BY/ За Беларусь" (on Russian) / Рецензия на книгу "Stand BY/ За Беларусь"

Знакомьтесь, это – мы!

«Мы рады представить нашу новую книгу о современной Беларуси. В этом проекте мы попытались выяснить, что стоит за «последней диктатурой» в Европе. Мы искренне надеемся, что эта публикация заполняет пробел в визуальном рассказе о Беларуси».

Коллектив Sputnik Photos

Я наверное была одна из немногих, кто нетерпеливо ждал эту книгу с осени 2011 года. Мне повезло стать свидетелем того, как рождается проект, о чем разговаривают фотографы по утрам… Потом было много работы, поездки, путешествия. О самом процессе я писала в Дневниках, опубликованных на ZНЯТА.

И вот черная аккуратная квадратная книга лежит у меня на столе. Настолько аккуратная, что название на английском и на белорусском слились в одну строчку. «За … Русь», читаю я красным по черному, и переворачиваю страницу…

Книгу уже представили в Польше и Литве. Счастливые обладатели виз из Беларуси и местные жители увидели не только книгу, но и выставку, а также пообщались с авторами фотопроектов, приехавшими на вернисаж. Когда до нас в массовом порядке дойдет продукт коллектива Sputnik Photos - не известно, но фотографы дали обещание показать его и в Беларуси.

Не скажу, что со страниц книги не веет экзотичностью. Здесь сплелось новое, неизвестное, странное, но при этом болезненно знакомое. Фотографии говорят о нас. Мы говорим сами о себе. Своей жизнью, взглядами, историей, городами и людьми на улицах. Что и как из этого показывать, о чем говорить и воспринимать почти для всех чужую страну - решает каждый сам за себя.

Это не просто фотоальбом, где на страницу – одна фотография или две. Это водоворот образов и способов интерпретации, книга в понимание современной фотографии и современного дизайна фотокниги. Это книга-приключение: в интерпретации, в попытке проследить цепь уже ускользающих событий, в попытке охватить взглядом и всеми чувствами восприятия мозаику из старых и новых фотографий, полароидов и сканов, больших и маленьких, выстроенных в ряд и разбросанных по странице как горошины.

Андрей Ленкевич «Прощай родина»

Каждый из представленных в книге проектов спустя некоторое время превратится в самостоятельную книгу, осмысленный рассказ, глубокое исследование. Весной 2012 года Андрей презентовал проект «Прощай Родина» в рамках выставки «Онтология арт-нулевых», затем в галерее «Ў» рассказал что, зачем и как он снимает, и как погружается и интерпретирует Вторую мировую войну и сегодняшнее к ней отношение в Беларуси. Представленная на страницах книги история - смешение семейных архивных фотографий, полароидов, перефотографированных портретов, вырезанных карт и фотографий ряженых бутылок. Андрей изучает культ войны в современной стране, которая остается в маргинальной нише непроанализированного и непроинтерпретированного прошлого, и этот культ выявляет эту маргинальность с одной стороны, а с другой в какой-то мере ее оправдывает.

Я смотрю на почти невидимые фотографии и понимаю, о чем идет речь, что думал и чувствовал при этом автор. Конечно, на презентации в галерее «Ў» были далеко не все, кто будет потом держать в руках книгу Sputnik Photos. Абстрагировавшись от текста, истории и воспоминаний, насколько это возможно, еще раз пролистываю страницы с историей о памяти. Там нет подписей, текст, безусловно, почитаю потом. Но все же во всем этом наборе воспоминаний есть своя магия, в размытых невидимых лицах - идея забытой, но все еще навязчиво присутствующей войны. Что мы действительно знаем о ней?

Рецензия целиком:

Текст: Таня Стрига
Фото: Sputnik Photos, Анна Михалькова

Monday, June 18, 2012


Stand By travels! Manca Juvan has presented the book and multimedia in GALERIJA FOTOGRAFIJA in Ljubljana June 16th. Thanks for coming!

Monday, June 11, 2012

15 czerwca: spotkanie ze STAND BY w Krakowie!

15/06/2012, 16:00
Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Bunkier Sztuki, pl. Szczepański 3a
Po raz pierwszy pokażemy MULTIMEDIA przygotowane w projekcie, będzie można WYJŚĆ Z KSIĄŻKĄ a przed wyjściem zadać wiele trudnych pytań o Białoruś, o fotografowanie, o wszystko.
15/06/2012, 16:00

The Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, pl. Szczepański 3a
 For the very first time we are to show MULTIMEDIA prepared for the project, you can LEAVE WITH THE BOOK, but before then ask lots of difficult questions concerning Belarus, taking photos, everything at all.


Puszcza na ścianie/Forest on the wall

Maciej Jarkowiec w Polityce (nr 22/2012): Wieszasz takiego i masz na ścianie kawał puszczy. Taki dzik nie zgnije, nie zdechnie, nie przeminie. Na zawsze zostanie jak żywy – tłumaczy Aliaksiej, wypychacz zwierząt z białoruskiej Puszczy Białowieskiej.

'Primeval Forest' by Jan Brykczynski published in Polityka magazine (22/2012)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Andrei Liankevich has got 3d prize prize for "History Museums" story from "Goodbye, Motherland" project in Belarus Press Photo Award. The project together with 6 incradible works you can find in "Stand By" book, last book by SPUTNIK collective :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Презентация книги в г.Перми / Book Presentation in Perm (Russia)


24-го мая состоится творческая встреча с Андреем Линкевичем, в рамках Международного Фестиваля "Photograffiti", который представит фото книгу «Stand BY / За Беларусь» фото-коллектива SPUTNIK . Встреча состоится в театре Сцена-Молот, г.Пермь, ул. Ленина, 53 в 19.00.
Добро пожаловать!

Dear Friends!

Meeting with Andrei Liankevich, during International photo Festival"Photograffiti", will take place on 24th of May, where he'll present photo book «Stand BY/ За Беларусь» by SPUTNIK collective. The meeting will teak place at Scena-Molot theater , Perm, ul. Lenin, 53, on 7 pm.

If you are in Siberia- welcome :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forest awarded!

We are pleased to share a great news!
The very first award for Stand BY project has come!
Jan Brykczyński has just been awarded with the 1st prize (category: nature) in Grand Press Photo contest for his photos taken in the Belarusian Forest.
We wait for more. And more.

Stand BY in Vilnius

Photo-report from «Stand BY / За Беларусь» book by Sputnik Photos at Center of Modern Art and European Humanity university in Vilnius (Lithuania). May 14th, 2012.
See more:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Attention please, dziś PREMIERA!

Po dwóch latach nasza książka wreszcie ma swoją premierę! Fotofestiwal w Łodzi zobaczył już walizkę pełną książek - świeżutkie "Stand By", prosto z drukarni!
Dzisiaj o 17 pierwsza prezentacja naszej nowej książki o Białorusi. 
Więcej informacji tutaj:

We are in Lodz, at Fotofestival, with our new book "Stand By". Today at 5 pm first public presentation of the book. More info:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Victory Day

On this day 67 years ago Nazi Germany capitulated to the Soviet Union in the Second World War (also known as the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union).
Heroines of my story were all active participants of the war. They are “Heroes of the Nation”. I was portraying women – veterans of the Second World War. I was inspired by Svetlana Alekseyevich’s book War’s Unwomanly Face. I wanted to meet women who were brave enough to be soldiers.
All these brave women of different origin were fighting in World War II for their homeland. The war was difficult for them. They were very young when the war had started (16-18) and they had to learn plenty of things necessary during the war. They were nurses, truck drivers, work in communications, they were partisans. Most of them went to army as volunteers because to defend their homeland. They had to fight and to share difficult living conditions with men soldiers.
Soviet and post-soviet propaganda didn’t forget about them. They were given medals and prizes and stated “Heroes of the Nation”. They were taking part in the parades, invited to schools to tell pupils about heroic time of war. They looked strange surrounded by men heroes but there was a equality of men and women in the USSR so no-one could forbid them to be heroes. It didn’t change after the fall of the Soviet Union. All Belarusian history and identity is about war - this is what my friend's Andrey Liankievich's story is about.

Now the old ladies I met are at the end of their lives. Belarus is their home. A lot of them miss Soviet Union. They don’t understand why the empire collapsed.

In Belarus no-one asks questions about the war. There is no public discussion about it. The veterans are heroes and they have good lives with good pension. Every year in May their faces are on propaganda posters in Minsk, Brest, Grodno and other cities. No-one realizes that not everybody was happy of freedom brought by Soviet Army. 

Meetings with these old Belarussian women made me also aware of how differently the history of my own country (Poland) and that of her heroic veterans’ country are written.
There is a lot on history and propaganda in this summary. But in the end the story is just a record of intimate meetings with brave, old women, who experienced a lot and who are at the end of lives. Most of them are happy. This is so optimistic! It is like a happy end.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jan Brykczynski / Around the Belovezhskaya Pushcha - the last primary forest in Europe

The beginnings were quite strange. I got kick out from the village in the forest that I wanted to photograph by the local KGB. They told me it was a Border Zone and that I had no permission to stay there as a foreigner. As I couldn’t really photograph the places that are inside the forest, as most of them were inside the Border Zone, that is 30km wide! I decide to change my approach and I focused on the surrounding area.
Belarus has no sea, no mountains, but it has the forest! And it is a very important one both for the Belarusian identity and for the ecology. There is a long tradition of the forest conservancy that dates back to 15th century. Recently president Lukashenko declared it the national treasure and encourages the development of tourist infrastructure. It is the last primary forest in Europe (UNESCO heritage!), and it is divided by the Belarussian – Polish border. Knowing it on the Polish side I was very curious how it looks on the other side and what is the relation of the local inhabitants to the forest.
I collected photos of the representations of the nature that I could find in the houses, offices, forestrys, and public space of the villages that surround the Belovezhskaya Pushcha. I looked for the items brought from the forest, the paintings and so one. That way I wanted to examine how the forest function in the Belarusian mentality, especially of those living next to it. My discoveries were quite unexpected… Here few photos and more about it soon!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Manca Juvan - what about homeland?

Through our project, I was trying to explore the idea of homeland. I met with Belarus people of different ages and backgrounds, who had a thing in common - a wish for a more free and prosperous life. That's why they chose New York as their new home. I was wondering, for example through what locations do people remember their own city or country; what are the objects they keep and which remind them of their roots; what are the places they identify with and like most in their new home, as well as what are their dreams for the future; how these concepts co-relate, in terms of how where we come from shapes us and our future... ?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Justyna Mielnikiewicz / Why story about the Marriage Agency ?

Since 2010 I started to  work on my long time project dedicated to the women from former Soviet Space and when with Sputnik  we decided to make a project in Belarus I was naturally looking for a women story to do there so I can  add to the series . I always wanted to do a story about one of those marriage agencies , could be in Russia, Ukrainie or Belarus. While working in Odessa few years ago  I have seen one of those big meetings organized by such agency for the clients coming from abroad . When  researching that topic I was expecting that all marriage agencies are those bizarre places where last thing people look for is love or a family life  .I was surprised and happy to find the agency in Grodno which was not like that at all . It operates transparently and is run by real people for a real people. It took me one unsuccessful trip to Minsk before I found them. During that trip I found Grodno contact while meeting with people working for La  Strada with which Agency in Grodno cooperates. (La Strada International is European network against trafficking in human beings with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe) . With that contact  I was ready to do my story. I was just waiting for the  wedding of Agency clients to happen  and have a permission to photograph it . When Natalia and Filip who married in July gave me green light (with fantastic help of Maya, the Agency Owner )  I bough the ticket and went there to start my story with a photos of their wedding. 

More later.....


If you as a reader of that post might have some questions please ask them -I will try to answer in my next post.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rafal Milach / The Winners

The beginning of my work in Belarus was a true experience. A celebrity experience. Before I took the first picture I turned to be in local news, papers and TV. The first town I went to was Slonim with its famous modeling school Vita -style run by local celebrity Vitaly Zhilinsky. Check the video out if you want to get to know more about what I was working on in Belarus :) The funny thing is that such side effect really suits my project. See you in next post.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why Andrei Liankevich worked on the WAR project :)

Be honest, with this project i tried to answer the question "Whom I am?". I mean, where is my heart, blood nationality ... Blood is more Polish than Belarussian or Russian, but heart is in Grodno with my parents place, grandparents village, family cemetery ... Why throughout the war ? My family is the answer.  We did not loose relatives at war. It looks really strange when 25-30% Belarus people were killed during WWII.  But it make cleare why i war was only book history for me.
Blazej , grandfather, did not join USSR troops. My father told me "they did not trust us"( Polish people from West Belarus). From other side,   grand grand father Ivan was sent to Siberia, as "Public enamy"- he was orthodox church priest. So my mother's famiy lost everything before the war. So, war hand did not tough us a lot .
  PS: Presentation of "Good Bye, Motherland" project in Minsk in unique day - 29.02.12 :)
During 1 year research by Belarus art community i was selected together with 15 artists, who made "especially important projects in 2000-2011 years." That is why the project was shown in ex-TV factory building.
photos by Uliya Kochanova

Saturday, February 25, 2012

"Good Bye, Motherland" by Andrei Liankevich

I was working on the project about  attitude to the WWII in Belarus. The reason why is that fact, that Belarus in 90th's politically choose to have USSR culture and history  as new country system of values. Belarus has one ideology- War ideology. More than that, Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko "changed the history" to start new country point from the moment USSR won WWII. Belarus Independence day is the day  when the capital was freed from Nazi invasion. Main streets in the  capital are named to the honor of War heroes, which is around 30% of all streets names. Last research shows, that people can hardly remember who was the person the street is named.
Every year Belarus has war parade. The main , and the only museums we have in every Belarus town are War museums. Everything in Belarus starts and ends in the point: "We won the war. We are Heroes." 
I have the feeling that now is the right moment to start public discussion about "real" war had happened in Belarus.  Veterans passes away and we already have got the distance to the war facts "produced by USSR historians" without "Brave Great Heroes" and "History based on books and movies".